
TLM Associates, Inc. was selected by the Town of Three Way to develop a Master Plan for the town’s proposed park facilities in 2007. The first phase of this plan was completed in 2009 with TLM Associates, Inc. responsibilities including design, bidding, construction administration, and environmental permitting. This project included LPRF funding. The new park features a multi-loop walking trail allowing for various paths of different lengths to be chosen by users.


Paths are coded to direct users so that each individual may change up the routes to vary both distance, direction of slopes, and visual perspectives. The trail was designed throughout a dense tree thicket to give the trail a pleasant setting with decorative street style lamps providing adequate lighting, bench areas, and a small pond. Also included in this phase of the park is a 2,960 square foot pavilion with seating for approximately 72 people, grill decks, and restroom facilities.
